Saturday, July 17, 2010

the alternate route..

it's been ages since i wrote my last entry... and boy, things have changed a lot since then..
i never thought that i would reach that point in my life where I can look at him and talk to him in an unattached kind of way.. i don't feel any trace of anger or bitterness to our story that had seen its dead end.
Nope. melancholy at the least, but more of the undiluted happiness because I was able to salvage the friendship. And it got better this time around.
More honesty and openess, more headspace for spontaneity and laughter
More moments of goofiness and bloopers
More of the moments worth celebrating and reminiscing
It wasn't something that we planned
Just felt into the natural flow of things.

And I'm glad. We took this alternate route in the road instead.
I have no regrets, just great memories...
And more good times to come.
I know so...